- Marine Layer
- Marino Junior Store IT
- Mario Badescu
- marioberluchi.ru
- Marionnaud AT
- Marionnaud CH
- Marionnaud FR
- Marionnaud IT
- Mario Spatarella IT
- Maripharm
- Marisa
- Marisa BR
- Marisa Peer (US & CA)
- Marisota
- Marissa Collections
- mariupol.karabas.com
- Markenkoffer DE
- Market America Brands SHOP.COM/Motives Cosmetics/Isotonix
- marketphones.com
- Market Rebellion (US)
- market.ryadom.pro
- market-sveta.ru
- market.yandex.ru
- markformelle.by
- markformelle.kz
- markformelle.ru
- Marks and Spencer Christmas Food to Order
- marksandspencer.in
- marksandspencer.ru
- Marks and Spencers
- Marks and Spencer UK
- Marktkauf DE
- Mark Warner
- marla.style
- Marley Spoon
- Marlies Dekkers (US)
- marriott.com.br
- marriott.com.ru
- marriott.co.uk
- marriott.de
- marriott.fr
- Marriott Hotels
- marriott.pt
- marsala-butik.pl
- Mars Drinks
- Marshall Headphones
- Marssos
- Martensy PL
- Martessport PL
- Martha