Mocha Host Promo Codes & Discounts
There are currently 3 Mocha Host Promotion Codes and Mocha Host Coupons.
Get cheap and affordable web hosting from They have shared hosting plans starting under $2 per month and dedicated cloud hosting from $48 per month. You can even get your domain names at their website. Use the MochaHost promo codes listed below for online savings at Store located at:
Mocha Host: 50% off VPS
Save 50% on the first month of your VPS
Use code: Top11VPS
Expires: on-going
Mocha Host: 10% off Cloud Hosting
Save 10% on cloud plans with a 6 month billing cycle.
Use code: Cloud10
Expires: on-going
We are not affiliated with Mocha Host. We have also heard and read a few concerning things about their service, lack of customer support and inability to provide refunds when they have poor performance. They claim to have 100% uptime, which is definitely not correct. Even the top servers in the world don't claim 100% up time. But they also claim to have over 1 million domains hosted, so maybe they are a legit company.
I applied to be a part of their internal affiliate program today. Hopefully I will be able to speak to someone from their marketing team to get the inside scoop on some of the complaints I have heard.