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Time Out Offers: Save 50% on food at eight Mediterranean-style restaurants in London

Save 50% on food at eight Mediterranean-style restaurants in London at Time Out Offers. Commission Tier - 10% 1. Search Policy Affiliates are not allowed to undertake any pay per click (PPC including (but not limited to), Google Adwords, MSN AdCentre, and Yahoo! Search Marketing, in any Twitter, MySpace or Facebook registration or any domain name), banner exchange, revenue sharing programs or other internet marketing activity. Commissions will not be paid where there is evidence of any PPC. 2. Validations Time Out pay their Affiliates retrospectively after returns and cancellations have been processed. This may take up to 60 days. 3. Brand Guidelines Affiliates shall not: Apply or bid in any search, referral or advertising service on any Restricted Names Apply or bid for any terms, words or phrases that are similar to any Restricted Names (including but not limited to possible misspellings, abbreviations, terms which are identical to Restricted Name but use the wrong case, or that merge Restricted Names with other words, terms or phrases); or Apply or bid for any terms, words or phrases that incorporate (wholly or partly) Restricted Names or those similar terms, words or phrases; or On any ‘pay-per-click’, sponsored link or any similar scheme available on any Internet search engines (‘Pay for Search Schemes’) for any reason website. This prohibition includes but is not limited to those Pay for Search Schemes available through Google, Espotting, Overture and Mirago. 4. Restricted Names “Restricted Names” includes but is not limited to all Time Out and Time Out Affiliate (Time Out Group PLC) trademarks including but not necessarily limited to “timeout.com”, “Time Out”, “timeout”, “time out.com”, “Time Out Offers” 5. General a. Any Affiliate found breaching these terms will be automatically removed from the program and we reserve the right to not pay commission in such circumstances. b. Sales across all products have a pending period of two month. During this time sales are subject to cancellation, refunds, changes (including but not limited to). Affiliates will not receive commissions for sales cancelled in this period. Any sales which are changed will also be subject to the relevant change in commission. c. We dedupe Affiliates sales against the other acquisition channels. d. We reserve the right to amend the Restricted Names and/or the above policies from time to time. Some of the provisions contained above may also be superseded by provisions or notices published elsewhere on our site. e. Affiliate warrants and undertakes to Time Out that: i. has full power and authority to enter into these Terms ii. it holds all licences and approvals necessary for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement; iii. it will perform its obligations under these Terms in accordance with all applicable laws and using reasonable skill and care; and iv. the Affiliate platforms will not contain, promote or have links to any sexually explicit materials, obscene language, hate material, defamatory materials, materials promoting violence, the use of firearms or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, age, or family status; promote any software piracy systems (warez, cracking, etc.), hacking, phreaking, emulators, ROM’s, or illegal MP3 activity; promote any illegal activities, deceptive practices, violations or infringements of the Intellectual Property Rights of others; v. be personal web pages, FREE hosted pages (Geocities, Xoom, Tripod, Talk City, etc.), blank pages with no content, or pages that only contain advertisements; vi. promote activities generally understood as Internet abuse, including but not limited to, the sending of unsolicited bulk electronic mail or the use of Spyware Programs (fraudulent traffic generating methods including: robots, spiders, auto-spawning browsers, auto reloading, meta refreshes or any other form of fraudulent and artificial traffic); or vii. be advertised or promoted by Affiliate through the use of unsolicited bulk email; (altogether the “Affiliate Warranties”) f. Affiliate shall indemnify Time Out for any breach of the Affiliate Warranties listed above. g. The total liability of Time Out and its respective Group Companies in contract, tort (including negligence or breach of statutory duty) misrepresentation, restitution or otherwise arising in connection with these Terms will be limited to Fee actually received by Affiliate from Time Out in the 12-month period preceding the date on which the claim arose.

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Expires: 2020-05-31